Petru Soroaga
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Weekend Build: Open Baffle Speakers
Jan 2020

This article will show you how simple it is to build a pair of speakers that looks decent and perform decent.
Open baffle designs (that is the drivers are not in an enclosed box but have open back side) are easier to make and in terms of sound quality, well, the discution is not settled among speaker designers; Some say open baffle design sounds better, others stick to enclosed boxes.
What can I say is that they do sound very well (at least for the occasional music lover);

So let's get started, it's something you can easily build in a day. So a lot of satisfaction to get something useful done and complete in such a short time.

1. Start with a board of wood about 3cm thick and about at least 20 cm wide. Mark a square part that will be the floor support. Mark out the position of the drivers and their diameter. Note that all drivers should be on the same vertical axis.
2. Drill pilot holes for the disks for the drivers.
3. Cut out the drivers holes.
4. Using wood glue or any type of glue, temporarly glue together the plates and the floor supports. Make sure everything is square. Let them to dry.
5. After the glue dries, make pilot holes in the base plate. We will add screws there to reinforce the plate.
6. Add screws in the pilot holes, add rubber supports in the base plate.
7. Sand down everything and then start paining. Use wood paint and create your own design. Repeat this at least 2 or 3 times for better final results.
8. Add and secure the drivers. Add a crossover filter if you used any tweeters.

You are done. Here is the end result (note: open baffle speakers do need subwoofers as the bass (low frequencies) is not so strong on this type of design):

That's all ladies & gents.

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